List Renderer
Use List renderer to render results as list (HTML ul / li elements). Each row of the result is a nested list.
This renderer does not provide any stylings by default. You might want to provide custom styles for it yourself.
SELECT name, path FROM files LIMIT 10
You can provide classnames as a parameter to add custom class to the table. For example:
LIST .my-custom-class
SELECT name, path FROM files LIMIT 10
Will apply my-custom-class
class on the table parent. You can use it to style it.
You can apply multiple classes by joining them with .
(same way you would target multiple classes in CSS):
LIST .my-custom-class.another-class
SELECT name, path FROM files LIMIT 10
Column names data
Each property has the column name set in the data-sqlseal-column
property. You can use it to style specific fields.
.sqlseal-list-element-single[data-sqlseal-column="name"] {
background: red;
Display column names in the results
By default column names per for are disabled. You can enable them by applying class .show-column-names, for example:
LIST .show-column-names
SELECT name, path FROM Files