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Triggering events

To trigger an event, call .trigger method with event name you want to call, followed by payload. The type will be automatically deducted based on the event name.

import { Omnibus } from '@hypersphere/omnibus'

const bus = Omnibus.builder()
.register('log', args<{ message: string, severity: 'warning' | 'error' }>())

// Triggering an event
bus.trigger('log', { message: 'Issue with parsing', severity: 'warning' })

bus.trigger('log', { data: [1, 2, 3 ]}) // Error

Async transformers and listeners

Both transformers (defined by .derive method in the build step) and listeners can contain asynchronous code. To make sure your code waits for them to finish, you can await a trigger call.

await bus.trigger('log', { message: 'Issue', severity: 'warning' })

// We have guarantee here that all callbacks and transformers succeeded now.

If one of the chained operations fails, the trigger method will throw an error.

Result of awaited trigger method is void - the only way to get to the results of the derived values is to listen to them.